Susan Whitaker

Susan Whitaker – guest speaker Jan 15, 2019

Susan Whitaker has been an active medical volunteer as a speech-language pathologist in Rotaplast since 1998.  Since her first Rotaplast mission she knew that visualization of the palate during speech prior to surgery was essential for a more accurate plan of care and dreamed of having a portable nasoendoscope unit.  Redding West Rotary has a long history of funding local and international projects and purchased this equipment for Rotaplast.  Susan was able to take this equipment to for the first time to Apartado, Columbia in June of 2018.  She will be sharing the highlights of the Rotaplast mission to Apartado, Columbia and how valuable this equipment was in the treatment of those with cleft palate deficiencies.  Don’t miss a hands on demonstration of how this equipment works.   

Since 1993, Rotarians in Chile and the United States have teamed up to provide life-altering reconstructive surgeries